Potato Hack for Broken Bulbs

We’ve all experienced that heartbreaking moment when the lightbulb stem gets stuck inside of the light fixture. No need to panic! if you have a potato in your pantry, then your light fixture is saved, and you can utilize an easy home maintenance hack. Cut the potato in half and press it gently into the…

Learn To Operate Your Thermostat

Setting your heater to kick on only when the temperature falls below a certain threshold can be a lifesaver, especially in the cold winter days ahead. If you’re unsure how to operate your thermostat, consult the manual or, if you’re a visual learner, consult YouTube to find a video tutorial. Even if the weather outside…

Lovely Lettering Makes a Pretty Pantry

For the best pantry organization, sort your essentials into containers and bins that are easy to spot and refill as needed. Keep in mind that well-organized, practical storage can also be beautiful! When creating labels for your bins, containers and jars, choose a unique design with a beautiful font to give your pantry a finished…

Keep Your Wood Trim Looking Great

Many homes feature some wood, even with concrete foundations. Since the wood is outside, it is affected by insects and the elements that can cause damage. These home maintenance tips can help you keep an eye on any issues with the wood and repair them quickly for less damage and cost. Wood trim is subject…