Prepare For Your Summer Showings

If you’re selling your home in the summer, it is important to have the right tools in your arsenal. Fortunately, there are tips for preparing a home for summer showings. When preparing for potential buyers, consider the following tips: Consider putting out cold beverages for potential buyers Turn the lights on Let in natural light…

Is Your Home Properly Grounded?

You’ve heard the sage advice to “keep grounded,” right? Well that goes for your house as well as for you. It’s shocking to realize how many homes are not properly grounded. It’s a good bet that much of this problem ties back to amateur electricians or undertrained appliance installers. Some of the rest may involve…

Make Home Maintenance Easy With Automation

As a homeowner, you likely know that the work is almost never done. It always seems like something needs to be fixed or upgraded, which can be time-consuming. Don’t despair! You can automate some of the easier home maintenance tasks so nothing gets overlooked. Here are some helpful tips on home maintenance automation. List frequent…

Guide to Choosing a Radon Mitigation Company

When it comes to radon testing your home, make sure that the process runs smoothly by choosing a qualified radon mitigation company. The company should be experienced and offer high-quality solutions. Here is what you need to look for when choosing a company. First, make sure that the contractor is licensed. Second, you want to…

Watch Out for Galvanized Water Distribution Pipes

Water supply piping is what brings water to our homes from the main supply in the street. There are multiple types of water supply piping materials, including plastic, copper, lead and galvanized. The last two are the ones you want to watch out for. Identify your water supply piping material by looking at the water…

Control Condensation To Control Basement Mold

One of the last things you want to find in your basement is mold. This unwanted guest can cause problems in your home and challenges to your health. Fortunately, there are things you can do to prevent mold in your basement. Keep Out the Condensation The presence of moisture is a big sign that mold…

Find a New Function for Your Fireplace

A warm fire can be relaxing and cozy on a cold winter night. But if you live in warmer weather or are worried about the upkeep, you can upgrade your fireplace into a stylish storage area. Clean it out and seal everything up before you start, and pick a paint color that complements your room…

Energy Efficient Improvements and Radon

Energy efficient improvements can help lower utility bills and keep the home at the right temperature, but the tighter windows, doors and HVAC system mean the air is now essentially trapped. Radioactive radon gas can linger in these tight spaces and accumulate. If these levels rise too high, you need to take action. After installing…